Revitalizing the Daily Dozen app through a 2019 UX redesign at Yrgo's Digital Design program, this project extended beyond school, resulting in a user-centric transformation completed in 2020.
Daily Dozen
UX design
UI design
The Daily Dozen app is an extension to the book How Not to Die, a book on nutrition written by Dr. Greger. The app helps its users kickstart a habit of healthy eating. It’s a useful app to those who could bare with the mediocre usability and design.

This project entails a complete redesign of the app, including its usability, branding and UI-design. The project started when I analyzed and redesigned the UX of the app in 2019 as a project at the Digital Design-program at Yrgo. I continued working on the app outside of my studies - finishing the project in 2020 and handing over my work to the developers.
UX design
UX guidelines
UI design
Usability testing
School (Yrgo)
Individual project
Understanding where we are
A thorough analysis of the old Daily Dozen app was in order. I started out with 5 usability tests using the think-aloud protocol and followed up with a heuristic evaluation based on Nielsen’s 10 heuristics, which generated a lot of insightful qualitative data.

I then used an affinity diagram to cluster the findings into categories, based on who experienced a problem and what kind of problem they experienced.

I ended up boiling down all the research into only a few key issues and takeaways.
UX Design
Using insights to build an interactive prototype
Flowcharts and customer journeys were a good way to get me thinking about the actual design of the app. A process of sketching and paper wireframing led me to my first interactive prototype created in Figma.

Was the new design better than the old one? I conducted a think-aloud-test of my prototype, comparing it to the original Daily dozen app, with a total of 6 users. (Not very scientific as I compared an interactive Figma-prototype to a live product, but it was a great way to get an idea of how they compared). I used the learnings to do another design-iteration on the prototype.
My first iteration based only on UX test results (left, and the original app design (right).
Creating the new experience beyond usability
To move on from the well working but not very sleek-looking new app design, I began the branding process by reading some books and watching a series on the branding process.

I developed two brand-personas based on the following of Dr. Greger and the readership of his book. They became the foundation throughout the branding process and I defined the brand attributes that would appeal to them.

I wanted to explore different brand directions and did so through the development of three stylescapes. I considered how appealing each stylescape would be to the personas, as well as how they would position the brand on the market. I settled on the stylescape that I called “Urban minimalism”.
"Urban Minimalism" Stylescape for the Daily Dozen project by William Buller
UI Design
Awakening the spirits
The ambition was to create a UI that would keep the usability and simplicity of the earlier UX-prototypes while being true to the modern and minimalist stylescape and brand. This required a fair amount of exploration in Figma and design critiques from other designers who could see the UI from a fresh perspective.

The final app has a typography-heavy minimalist yet fun design. Images and illustrations have been replaced with color fields that add to the funky aesthetic whilst also carrying meaning and intuitively separating categories. My UI-design explorations also brought with them a few extra features that add an additional layer of zest to the app, such as fun descriptions of each category that change every day.